Please view all photos for all the details. ALL THE IMPORTANT INFORMATION & ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS. I value my buyers and want to provide excellent service. I take great care in packaging. I feel that good photos show the condition of an item and may even reveal a detail I missed when examining the item. I spend a lot of time getting clear photos from all angles so nothing is missed. I may still miss something but I try to capture condition issues in my photos. I try to mention general condition in the description but everyone is looking for different things that is why I consider my photos to be a crucial component of the description. Stands/ risers/ and other display items are not included unless noted. I photograph the items with a ruler so that you can get a very precise measurement if you need it. As a result I don’t always spell out the dimensions again in the description. On round items if you need more precision let me know and I will use a calipers. If something is new then of course those issues will not be present. I try to package with recycled materials as often as possible. If you have any issues PLEASE contact me immediately so I can work something out to your satisfaction if it is within my control. I provide feedback for buyers as soon as their feedback is recorded. This helps all of us!